Clovis Christian Schools Alumni

Graduated, but never forgotten. The alumni of CCS remain a vital part of the CCS community. They are the ones who take what they have learned and begin to implement it in the world. Many alumni choose to stay involved in CCS, and nothing could make us happier than staying connected!

If you’d like to continue to be involved with CCS, here are some ways you can do it:

Refer: If you loved your experience at CCS, chances are you know someone else who would too! By being an ambassador for CCS, you have the opportunity to share the same wonderful experience you had!

Volunteer: Volunteering at CCS is one of the easiest ways to stay involved with our school! There are plenty of opportunities to volunteer at CCS, whether it’s through tutoring, volunteer coaching, or anything in between.

Pray: There’s nothing more powerful than a prayer. Join us in praying for our students, our school, and our faculty and staff.

Visit: We’d love to see you! Come see what has changed and what has stayed the same through the years. Chances are you’ll feel some nostalgia, not to mention the opportunity to connect with old teachers and mentors.

Give: No matter the size, giving has a tremendous impact on the students of our school. Consider a one time gift or being a monthly supporter to help support CCS.

For more questions, please contact us!

Interested in Becoming Part of 25 Years of Excellence?

Contact Clovis Christian Schools to Start the Process.